Mexico court clears Portillo move

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Mexico's Supreme Court has ruled that the former president of Guatemala, Alfonso Portillo, can be extradited to his home country to face fraud charges.

Mr Portillo, in office from 2000 to 2004, is wanted over the disappearance of $15.7m (£7.9m) earmarked for the defence ministry.

Mexico authorised his extradition in 2006, but Mr Portillo's defence team challenged the move in several courts.

Mr Portillo denies any wrongdoing and his lawyers say their fight will go on.

"There is no danger of extradition at this moment," said lawyer Marcos Castillejos, adding that there was still a long battle ahead.

The decision to allow the extradition now rests with the Mexican foreign ministry.

Mr Portillo fled Guatemala and went to Mexico after his four-year term ended and he lost his legal immunity.

Guatemala has made several attempts to have him extradited.