US election at-a-glance: 30 Jan

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John Edwards drops out of the Democratic race, but does not endorse either of the remaining candidates. Rudy Giuliani is also set to withdraw, after his third-place finish in Florida. He is expected to throw his weight behind John McCain. Mr McCain and the other remaining Republican candidates take part in a televised debate in California.

<a class="bodl" href="">Primary roadmap</a>


"Rudy's strategy essentially succeeded - but he didn't." The National Review's John Hood suggests that John McCain successfully adopted Rudy Giuliani's strategy.

It's time for me to step aside so that history can blaze its path John Edwards <a class="" href="/1/hi/world/americas/7215705.stm">At-a-glance: 29 Jan</a>

"All the candidates on our side, for various reasons, are uninspiring or worse and so just as I predicted the base has fractured."Talk radio host Rush Limbaugh on the Republican contest

"It's time for me to step aside so that history can blaze its path."John Edwards announces his departure from the race

"John has spent a lifetime fighting to give voice to the voiceless and hope to the struggling. At a time when our politics is too focused on who's up and who's down, he has consistently made us focus on who matters."Barack Obama on John Edwards


A nationwide Gallup tracking poll suggests that Barack Obama is closing the gap with Hillary Clinton, after his victory in South Carolina and endorsement by influential members of the Kennedy family.

The poll gives Mrs Clinton 42% nationally, six points ahead of Mr Obama on 36%. Just ten days ago, however, a similar Gallup poll gave her a lead of 20 points over Mr Obama.

There is bad news for both Democratic candidates, however, in a Rasmussen poll published today.

When matched up against John McCain, both Mrs Clinton and Mr Obama would be defeated, according to the poll - Mrs Clinton by eight points and Mr Obama by six.


John Edwards received assurances from the remaining Democratic candidates that they would focus on poverty reduction