What do you love about your local area?


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What do you most love about your local area? What makes it special? Is it a park, a street, a market, a view, a shop, or something else entirely? In the lead-up to the election, the Observer New Review is working on a picture-led feature called The Best of My Community and we’d like you to help.

Please share your pictures with us with a sentence or two explaining where it is and why you chose it. We will publish the best photographs in Observer New Review and also in an online gallery.

The closing date is Thursday 9 April at 5pm.

You can share your photos and stories by clicking on the blue ‘Contribute’ button on this article. You can also use the GuardianWitness smartphone app or the new Guardian app and search for ‘GuardianWitness assignments’. You can also share on Instagram – #GuardianWitness or email us at guardian.witness@theguardian.com