Which 80s horror icons would you like to be scared by again?


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Bruce Campbell of Evil Dead renown has come out (once again) and urged the film industry to get a horror-movie answer to The Expendables up and running (with axe-wielding maniac not far behind). He’s even got a script. Given that the Sly Stallone crew consisted of over-the-hill 80s action stars reliving past glories, it’s not too imagination-stretching to see a movie face-off between 80s horror icons such as Freddy Krueger, Jason Vorhees, Michael Myers and Ash himself. (In fact, a toe has already been dipped in those waters with the 2003 film Freddy Vs Jason).

Related: Joe Queenan's guide to horror film cliches

But would they, could they, actually band together against some common foe? (Not all that likely, given their distinctly anti-social tendencies.) Who could that common foe be? The disembodied spirit of Bela Lugosi hovering over an electric chair? Growly-voiced Linda Blair informing all and sundry who sucks what where? Or maybe witchy Fairuza Balk, invoking spirits at a 12-grade level?

So who do you think should be in an Expendables of horror? Grab your longshoreman’s hook and let us know below.