Murder victim's 'look of terror'

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A teenager said he saw the fear in his friend's face moments before he was murdered by a 17-strong gang, the Old Bailey has heard.

In a recorded interview, the 15-year-old recalled trying to save Paul Erhahon, 14, from the mob armed with bats, knives and a samurai sword.

Paul was stabbed in the heart in Leytonstone, east London, last April.

Seven defendants aged 14 to 19, who cannot be named, deny murder, attempted murder and wounding with intent.

Paul's friend, who cannot be named, described trying in vain to pull the attackers off.

'Earn spurs'

He said: "(Paul) ran and I saw his face - he was scared."

Moments later Paul was stabbed through the heart with a seven-inch blade.

Prosecutors allege Paul was killed by young gang members who wanted to "earn their spurs" in the group.

Jurors heard Paul and his friend were talking in the foyer of a block of flats on 6 April when he was summoned by a member of the gang.

Four of them pulled out knives and started stabbing me Paul's friend

Prosecutor Jonathan Turner QC said when Paul refused to go to him, the pair were attacked.

His friend said: "He was, like, 'no, I don't want to come there' and then he (the other boy) was like, 'if you don't come here, then I'll come to you'.

"I went to go and help my friend Paul. That's when he escaped and that's when they came to me."

"I got hit in the head but I don't know who it was. Four of them pulled out knives and started stabbing me."

The boy said when he fell to the floor the gang left him and he saw the "leader" going "in the direction of Paul".

After going home the friend was being driven to hospital with his brother when they stopped and saw Paul lying on the floor with his mum and dad nearby.

The trial continues.