Papers study American rate cut

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"Fed slashes rates to halt sell-off", "US in panic move to halt slide", and "US acts to calm world jitters".

That is how the Financial Times, the Daily Telegraph and the Independent greet the US decision to cut interest rates after plummeting share prices.

The Telegraph says analysts predict another half-point cut, with a similar move expected from the Bank of England.

The Guardian says Gordon Brown has called an emergency meeting with his French, German and Italian counterparts to discuss the state of financial markets.

'Suicide craze'

The suicides of seven teenagers in a year in Bridgend, south Wales, are featured across several of the papers.

The Daily Mail asks whether the deaths are the result of a pact linked to social networking sites.

It says the police are concerned that young people are attracted by the idea of having memorial websites.

The Daily Express calls it a "suicide craze". The paper reports that parents are being urged to "keep a close eye on their children" when they are online.

Drug habit

The Daily Mirror has pictures of serial killer Rose West in her prison cell, which it describes as "brightly-lit and comfy" and with creature comforts.

It quotes a source at Bronzefield jail who says she has the run of the prison and "treats it like a holiday camp".

The Sun says it has handed over a tape of singer Amy Winehouse allegedly smoking crack cocaine to the police.

Her father Mitch tells the paper the release of the footage may convince her to kick her drug habit.

Poor children

Photographers follow David Beckham to Sierra Leone on a visit in his role as a Unicef goodwill ambassador.

The Daily Telegraph reports that the football star urged the world not to turn a blind eye to child mortality rates in the developing world.

Oliver Harvey in the Sun contrasts the riches available to Beckham's own sons with "some of the poorest and most malnourished children on Earth".

Beckham was "choked with emotion" when he saw the conditions, he writes.