MPs call for online voting 'to boost election turnout'

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Online voting should be considered for future elections with polls held at weekends or public holidays to boost turnout, MPs have recommended.

The proposals come in a new report by a Commons committee which has also examined lessons learned from the Scottish referendum.

Last September's independence referendum saw an extraordinarily high turnout of nearly 85%.

The voting trend has been in the other direction in recent elections.

MPS on the political and constitutional reform committee have been considering how to boost turnout and back votes for 16 and 17-year-olds for all elections.

They concede that the reason for high engagement in Scotland was the importance of every vote to the outcome.

MPS say action is needed to make that the case in every election.

The committee suggest online voting should be piloted in the next parliament as well as allowing people to register to vote even on polling day.

It also recommends that election day is made a public holiday.