Elizabeth Truss to plant millionth tree in Bristol


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The millionth tree of a £4m government urban tree-planting scheme is to be planted in Bristol by Environment Secretary Elizabeth Truss.

The Big Tree Plant was launched in 2010 to increase the number of trees being planted in England's towns and cities.

Since then, a million trees have been planted with more than half in the most deprived areas of the country.

To mark the scheme hitting the million mark, an oak tree will be planted at Eastville Park in Bristol.

"Trees are an essential part of the healthy environment that is so important for quality of life and wellbeing," said Ms Truss.

"Nothing is more symbolic of England's trees than the mighty oak so it is fitting that I'm planting a young oak today to mark the success of our campaign."

The Defra-led scheme has seen up to £4m in grants handed out to community and voluntary groups by the Forestry Commission, over the past four years.

Nearly 5,000 street trees, 18,000 fruit trees and thousands of saplings have been planted in more than 3,300 sites across the country.