Alistair Darling: I'd share EU referendum platform with Alex Salmond

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Alistair Darling has said he would be willing to share an EU referendum platform with Alex Salmond.

The men went head-to-head in bruising TV debates during last year's Scottish independence campaign.

But both support UK membership of the EU and Mr Darling told BBC Radio 4's Analysis he would share a platform with any rival if they agreed on an issue.

He added: "It doesn't stop me saying bad things about them on things I disagree with."

Mr Darling was talking during a programme looking at the prospects for an EU referendum - something David Cameron has said will happen in 2017 if the Conservatives win the coming election.

The two sides slugged it out for months in a battle that gripped the Scottish public, with the No campaign, headed by Alistair Darling, eventually winning with 55% of the vote.

But the Yes campaign was widely seen as having been the better one, and Mr Salmond's SNP has seen a big surge in support since their defeat.

During the Analysis programme about the prospect of an EU referendum, presenter Chris Bowlby asked Mr Darling if he would be willing to share a stage with his former enemy?

Mr Darling replied: "Look, this would be a UK campaign and obviously we want to win votes in every corner of the kingdom.

"But my view has been very clear, that if I agree with another politician of a different party on an issue, whether it's the independence referendum on Scotland or whether it's on Europe then of course I'll share a platform.

"It doesn't stop me saying bad things about them on things I disagree with."