Woman who banned Muslims from gun range as 'safety' measure claims business is booming


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A woman who banned all Muslims from her shooting range in Arkansas, US, claims that business is booming since she took the decision as “a matter of public safety”.

Jan Morgan now has a Facebook page followed by more than 125,000 people and posts articles including lists of “verses from the Koran [that are] evidence that Islam is clearly and concisely evil”.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has written to the Attorney General Eric Holder accusing Ms Morgan of breaking constitutional laws forbidding racial and religious discrimination.

But the self-proclaimed Second Amendment Speaker and National Rifle Association (NRA) instructor insists her ban is not a constitutional issue and that she “understands that not all Muslims are terrorists”.

She told Fox News that business at her range had “quadrupled” since she put in place the ban, and defended the decision by comparing Muslims to “Nazis”.

“We are dealing in lethal firearms,” she said. “I’m not going to let a Nazi shoot in here, or a Ku Klux Klan member in here, either.”

Ms Morgan claims to have received the support of a number of high-profile Republicans including the former Presidential candidate nominee Herman Cain. In a Facebook post on Saturday she claimed that the local police chief had “sent his wife to take my class today”.

In another post on Thursday she reiterated her reasons for banning Muslims, saying: “Every single day... every Muslim who murders an innocent person as an act of Islamic Jihad, simply proves my case... over  and over again… I will never compromise my position.”

Last week, a father and son claimed they were kicked out of Ms Morgan’s range – despite being Hindu. The man tweeted: “My dad and I just got kicked out of a Muslim-free gun range. I'm not Muslim, I'm just brown.”

The Justice Department has declined to comment on the case, but the American Civil Liberties Union of Arkansas told Fox News it was “more than happy” to proceed with legal action against Ms Morgan if a client who had been turned away came forward.