Zimbabwe’s President Is Appointed Chairman of African Union


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President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, one of Africa’s most divisive figures, was appointed to the rotating chairmanship of the African Union by the organization’s leaders on Friday. Mr. Mugabe, 90, assumed the largely ceremonial role during the organization’s summit meeting in Ethiopia. In his acceptance speech, he spoke of the need to guard against foreigners who want to exploit Africa’s mineral wealth and called for more assistance for African farmers. “African resources should belong to Africa and to no one else, except to those we invite as friends,” he said. “Friends we shall have, yes, but imperialists and colonialists no more.” In some corners, Mr. Mugabe is seen as a nationalist hero. He is the only leader Zimbabwe has known since independence from Britain in 1980. But others say he is responsible for rigging elections, violating human rights, abusing his power and mishandling Zimbabwe’s economy. The European Union and United States imposed travel and financial sanctions on Mr. Mugabe after elections in 2002 and 2008 were marred by violence and charges of vote-rigging and intimidation.