Jordan Lets Islamic State’s Deadline for a Prisoner Exchange Pass

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AMMAN, Jordan — Jordan refused to release an imprisoned female militant on Thursday to meet a deadline set by the Islamic State, demanding that it first needed proof that a captured Jordanian pilot was still alive.

The impasse provoked fears that the extremists would carry out their threats to kill the pilot and a Japanese journalist they were also holding hostage.

Jordan said it had been prepared to meet the Islamic State’s demand to free the imprisoned militant, Sajida al-Rishawi, and deliver her to the Syrian-Turkish border by sunset on Thursday.

“Rishawi is still in Jordan, and the exchange will happen once we receive the proof of life we ask for,” Agence France-Presse quoted the minister of state for media affairs, Mohammed Al-Momani, as saying shortly before the deadline expired.

The standoff followed several tense days of demands and counterdemands, as well as the apparent beheading of another Japanese hostage.

On Saturday, a video released by the militants said they would exchange the remaining Japanese hostage, Kenji Goto, for Ms. Rishawi. On Tuesday, another video attributed to the Islamic State suddenly drew the pilot’s fate into the equation, saying that if its demands were not met, it would kill not only Mr. Goto, but also the pilot, First Lt. Moaz al-Kasasbeh, whose captivity has riveted Jordan for weeks.

Jordanian officials essentially counteroffered, saying they would free Ms. Rishawi only if Lieutenant Kasasbeh was released unharmed. Jordan has made no mention of trading the Japanese journalist, although Japanese and Jordanian officials have said that they have been working on trying to resolve the hostage crisis.

But Jordan’s emphasis on the proof-of-life issue regarding the pilot suggested that its first priority was to make sure he was not killed.

Jordanian officials, who have said little in public during the hostage crisis, did not make it clear if they were backing down on their demand that Lieutenant Kasasbeh be freed as part of a deal to release Ms. Rishawi.

The Islamic State originally set a deadline of Wednesday for Ms. Rishawi’s release, but later extended it to Thursday at sunset.

The expiration of the deadline was greeted in a somber atmosphere Thursday evening at a diwaniya, or social hall, here in Amman that was occupied by Lieutenant Kasasbeh’s family members and well-wishers.

The night before, they had been loudly demonstrating outside Jordan’s Royal Palace, and Lieutenant Kasasbeh’s parents and wife were invited inside for an audience with the king. They emerged saying they were thankful the government was doing all it could, but declined to give specifics.

After sunset Thursday, the pilot’s father, Safi Youssef al-Kasasbeh, gave a brief statement pleading for his son’s life, and promising the insurgents his gratitude if they spared him.

In Tokyo, Mr. Goto’s wife made an emotional appeal in English for her husband’s life; the audio and written appeal was posted online Thursday by the Rory Peck Trust, which advocates for freelance journalists. The remarks were the first by Mr. Goto’s wife, Rinko, who told of exchanging emails with his captors “as I have fought to save his life.”

She quoted the extremists as repeating their ultimatum that the Jordanian pilot would be executed immediately if Ms. Rishawi were not on the Syrian-Turkish border by sunset Thursday.

“I beg the Jordanian and Japanese government to understand that the fates of both men are in their hands,” she said.

She also made a personal appeal. “My husband and I have two very young daughters,” she said. “Our baby girl was only 3 weeks old when Kenji left. I hope our oldest daughter, who is just 2, will get to see her father again. I want them both to grow up knowing their father. My husband is a good and honest man who went to Syria to show the plight of those who suffer.”