One in four of all births now by caesarean section, statistics reveal Version 0 of 1. The number of babies being born by caesarean section increased to more than a quarter of all births last year. Health organisations say a rise in the number of older mothers is the cause. The latest statistics show that 26.2% of births in 2014 were by C-section – up 0.7% on the previous year. Figures from the Health and Social Care Information Centre also reveal there has been a slump in the number of births taking place in NHS hospitals, down 3.6% to 646,900 last year. The British Pregnancy Advisory service (BPAS) said the figures could be because ofchanges in Nice guidelines allowing women to choose to have C-sections if they want to and a rise in the age of mothers, with one in five births in 2013 to women over 35, compared with one in 10 in 1993. The proportion of births to women over 40 has also doubled over the same period. Ann Furedi, chief executive of BPAS, said: “The increase in caesarean sections … is likely to reflect the ongoing trend towards older motherhood. “Many couples choose to obtain professional, financial and emotional security before starting a family and, as a result, are waiting longer before having their first child.” |