Turkish jets bomb rebels in Iraq


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Turkish warplanes have bombed Kurdish rebel positions in northern Iraq, the Turkish military has said.

The jets struck targets in the Zap-Sivi, Avasin-Basyan and Kakurk areas, it said.

There were no immediate reports of casualties or serious damage, in what was the fourth Turkish air raid in northern Iraq since 16 December.

Turkey blames rebels from the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) for launching attacks on Turkey from bases in Iraq.

The Turkish military said that Tuesday's air raid had targeted only confirmed PKK positions, describing the strikes as "intensive".

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It said in a statement: "Our planes returned to their bases safely after successfully completing their duties." it gave no details on how many jets had been involved in the operation.

The military said that efforts had been made to avoid any civilian casualties.

A spokesman for the Kurdish Peshmerga security forces in northern Iraq said the shelling began just before midday (0900 GMT) near the town of Amadiya in the Dahuk province, Reuters reported.

US caution

Ankara approved cross-border raids on PKK bases in October, saying the Iraqi government and its US backers were not doing enough to halt rebel attacks.

Turkey launched its first cross-border raid on 16 December. Three air raids and an incursion by ground forces followed shortly afterwards.

The US backs Turkish operations against the PKK and has agreed to share intelligence with Ankara.

However, Washington has cautioned Ankara against a large offensive in northern Iraq, fearing it could further destabilise the region.

The PKK - which is designated a terrorist organisation by Turkey, the US and the EU - is thought to have about 3,000 rebels based in Iraq.

For decades, it has been fighting for a Kurdish homeland separate from Turkey.