Belgium Confronts the Jihadist Danger Within

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BRUSSELS — When Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the Belgian-born son of an immigrant shopkeeper from Morocco, went to Syria a year ago to wage jihad, nobody paid much attention. He was just one of more than two dozen angry young men from the grimy Molenbeek district in Brussels who, lured by the promise of adventure and reward from God, have taken up the fight for Islam.

But people took notice, a few months later, when Mr. Abaaoud recruited his own 13-year-old brother to join him in Syria, soon after the release of a gruesome video that showed him in a pickup truck dragging a pile of mutilated bodies.

“Naturally, this was a big shock,” Yasmina, their older sibling, said, referring to her barely teenage brother’s departure.

In recent days, that feeling has only grown as Abdelhamid Abaaoud (pronounced a-ba-OOD), who is thought to have returned to Europe, has emerged as a prime suspect in what Belgian authorities say was an imminent terrorist operation thwarted by raids on Jan. 15 on an extremist hideaway in the east of Belgium and nine homes in Molenbeek.

Coming on the heels of a three-day rampage by a trio of Islamic extremists in Paris, the foiled plot here sent an alarming message that the radicalization of young Muslims extended far beyond the bleak housing projects that ring Paris and other French cities.

It has also highlighted the dangers posed by a well-developed underground jihadist pipeline that has made Belgium Europe’s biggest per capita contributor of fighters to Syria, and the fears of the potential havoc these extremists could sow upon their return.

Despite the attention focused on France since the attacks in and around Paris that killed 17 people, the proportion of young people who have left for jihad from this relatively small country has confronted the authorities here with an outsize domestic security threat that rivals that of its neighbor.

In a document released in October, a new Belgian government warned against the “danger of violent jihadism that threatens to spread in our society,” reporting that 350 Belgians had gone to Syria and that more than 70 of them had returned home.

Pieter Van Ostaeyen, a Belgian researcher who has kept close tabs on Syria-bound jihadists from Belgium, said the real number of Belgian fighters is closer to 450, less than half the number from France but still a very large contingent for a country of only 11 million people. Belgium, like France, has a large Muslim community that accounts for more than 5 percent of the population.

Belgian officials say they have not found any links between the Paris attacks and those they say were being planned in Belgium. But there are many common elements: a clustering of radicals in a small area, the blurred boundary between petty criminality and jihadist violence, and the role of prison as an incubator for extremism.

Since the Belgian police raided a house in the eastern city of Verviers, near the German border, on Jan. 15, the focus of the investigation has moved firmly to Brussels, particularly the Molenbeek district, a heavily immigrant borough with 22 mosques known to the local officials — more than four times the number of churches — and others that operate in secret.

“The network that was dismantled in Verviers is a network that had its origins in Molenbeek,” said Françoise Schepmans, the mayor of Molenbeek. “That is evident. They just rented a hideaway at Verviers.”

The two terrorist suspects killed in that police raid, the mayor added, “were both, unfortunately, from Molenbeek,” Belgium’s second poorest area with a youth unemployment rate of 40 percent.

The Belgian prosecutor’s office on Wednesday partially identified the dead men for the first time, naming them as Sofiane A., a Belgian and Moroccan citizen born in 1988, and Khalid B., a Belgian national born in 1991.

Why exactly certain areas spawn a disproportionate number of violent jihadists is a question that has largely flummoxed investigators and scholars.

Mr. Van Ostaeyen, the Belgian researcher, believes that an important factor for Molenbeek could be the role of Sharia4Belgium, an outfit set up in 2010 to promote Islamic law but which later devoted its energies to recruiting fighters for Syria. It was particularly active in Molenbeek, Mr. Van Ostaeyen said.

The group’s leader, Fouad Belkacem, a 32-year-old Islamic radical with a long arrest record for crimes like theft and assault, went on trial last September in the port city of Antwerp, accused by prosecutors of belonging to a terrorist group and brainwashing young people.

More than 40 others accused of belonging to the group were also put on trial, most of them in absentia, as they were in Syria. A verdict in the case was originally due earlier this month but has now been postponed.

Like Mr. Belkacem and Amedy Coulibaly, who killed four French Jews in a kosher supermarket in Paris, Mr. Abaaoud, accused of being the ringleader of the foiled Belgian plot, also got into trouble with the law and spent time in prison, reportedly for theft, before he took up jihad.

“He was radicalized in prison at Saint Gilles,” Mustafa Er, an aide to the Molenbeek mayor, said, referring to a jail in southern Brussels.

In Molenbeek, Ms. Schepmans, the mayor, said the authorities have good relations with the district’s biggest mosque, Al Khalil, but has little or no contact with smaller mosques, some of which “are more or less closed.”

More worrisome, she added, “are the meeting places we don’t know about that operate in the shadows.”

She played down the role of religion in the radicalization of a small but dangerous minority, blaming instead the “social networks” of young men whose ties of friendship and then a shared belief in jihad are forged mostly on the street.

“All these people could just as easily have tumbled into criminality” instead of jihadism, the mayor said.

Yasmina Abaaoud, Mr. Abaaoud’s older sister, a professional woman who does not wear a veil and now lives in a more upscale area of Brussels, said neither of the brothers who went to Syria ever showed a zealous interest in religion before their departure. “They did not even go to the mosque,” she said.

Nor were they from a particularly disadvantaged background. Their father owned a shop and lived with his wife and six children in an apartment on Rue de l’Avenir — Future Street — in one of Molenbeek’s better neighborhoods, near a canal that separates Molenbeek from a trendy Brussels district of bars and restaurants.

According to a report this week in La Capitale newspaper, the older brother spent at least one year at Collège Saint-Pierre, a well-regarded Catholic school in the wealthy district of Uccle. The school declined to comment.

Belgian prosecutors have not publicly identified Mr. Abaaoud as a suspect in a foiled plot, one of whose main targets was the Molenbeek police station. But officials in Molenbeek described him as the “presumed mastermind” behind a thwarted operation involving several jihadists who had returned from Syria. A senior United States intelligence official, speaking in Washington, said analysts there agreed.

The Belgian news media reported Mr. Abaaoud had been tracked to Turkey and Greece and had communicated by telephone with several of those arrested or killed last week, speaking in coded language investigators interpreted as instructions for a terrorist operation.

The whereabouts of Mr. Abaaoud, also known as Abou Omar Soussi, is not known. His sister Yasmina said the family received calls last fall from Syria saying he had become a “martyr,” meaning he had been killed in battle. She said the family has not heard from him or the younger brother, now 14, since.

But investigators now believe the “martyr” report was a ruse to try to throw Western intelligence services off his scent so that he could try to re-enter Europe.

At the time of his reported death he was perhaps Belgium’s most notorious jihadist fighter, having appeared in a video made early last year near Hraytan in northern Syria that showed him at the wheel of a Dodge pickup pulling corpses across a field.

In a later video message filmed in Syria, Mr. Abaaoud, using the name Abou Omar el-Belgiki, meaning “the Belgian,” urged fellow Muslims to follow him to Syria to wage armed jihad, promising delights they could never have at home.

“While living in Europe, I never ate food like I have eaten here,” he said, speaking against the crackle of gunfire as he crouched behind sandbags. I have entered into villas and palaces that, praise be to God, have, through the will of God, been provided for us here.”

His main recruiting pitch, however, was an appeal to young Muslims’ feelings of exclusion from the mainstream and rage at the treatment of Muslims.

“Are you satisfied with the life you lead, a humiliating life, whether you are in Europe, in Africa, in Arab countries or in America? Are you satisfied with this life, with this life of humiliation?”

Only violent jihad, he continued, could restore their pride and honor. “You will find this only in your religion, only in jihad,” he said. “Is there anything better than jihad or a martyr?”