Footprint found by Kercher police

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Italian police investigating the murder of Meredith Kercher say they have found the outline of a bloody footprint in the bedroom of her American flatmate.

Forensic teams found the print in Amanda Knox's room after re-examining the crime scene in Perugia.

Police say they can now place all three suspects at the scene after finding DNA belonging to Raffaele Sollecito.

The three suspects deny killing Ms Kercher, 21, from south London, whose body was found on 3 November.

The forensic teams say chemicals sprayed on the floor of the house revealed the bare footprint contained traces of blood.

DNA traces

Police have also confirmed DNA found on clothing belonging to British student Ms Kercher matches an Italian suspect.

The DNA was found on a small piece of cloth from Ms Kercher's bra, close to the fastener.

The cloth is from the same bra she was wearing the night she was murdered, from which they have also recovered the DNA of suspect Rudy Hermann Guede.

Further traces of DNA belonging to Ms Knox and Ms Kercher were discovered in blood in the bathroom.

BBC correspondent Christian Fraser in Rome said police suspect it was left when the American washed her hands following the stabbing.

Raffaele Sollecito, Amanda Knox, and Rudy Hermann Guede remain in custody.

The suspects can all be held for up to a year before trial . The next hearing in the case is due to be held on 21 January.