Man guilty of wife school attack

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A man has been found guilty of stabbing his estranged wife seven times as she dropped off their nine-year-old daughter at school.

Haydar Guvec, 35, attacked Dilek Guvec outside the primary school in Enfield, north London in 2006.

The mother-of-two was stabbed in the side, chest, above the eye and in the top of the head, the Old Bailey heard.

Guvec was found guilty of wounding with intent and will be remanded in custody until 1 February for sentencing.

The jury was unable to reach a verdict on a charge of attempted murder.

I saw that I was stabbed twice in my head and blood was coming from my head Dilek Guvec

Francis Sheridan, prosecuting said the attack on the mother-of-two only ended when the blade broke off the knife and he ran off.

Mrs Guvec, 29 at the time, was "badly cut" but survived the attack.

The court heard that her marriage of 11 years had broken down and the couple's children were living with her.

Mrs Guvec broke down in tears as she gave evidence from behind a screen about the alleged attack, via a Turkish interpreter.

"He was saying 'listen to me'. My daughter ran off to the school, to her class. He was next to me. He said 'I'm going to kill you.'

"Then he started punching me. I hadn't seen the knife. I saw that I was stabbed twice in my head and blood was coming from my head."

Haydar Guvec of Enfield, told police he accidentally cut his wife with a knife he had taken to the school as he was hoping to see his four-year-old son and peel an apple for him.