Labour notches up a seven-point lead over the Tories as Farage's ratings drop

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Labour is seven points ahead of the Conservatives, according to a recent poll that shows a drop in Nigel Farage’s personal approval ratings.

The Opinium poll, commissioned by the Observer, will cheer Ed Miliband, who has suffered setbacks throughout this year, and provide a welcome boost for the party at a time when morale is low.

A recent YouGov survey also found Labour leading the Conservatives by two points, as the Tories continue to lose ground following George Osborne’s autumn statement, which detailed the need for further public spending cuts to cut the deficit.

This Sunday’s poll sees the Conservatives unchanged on 29 per cent, while Labour is up 2 points on 36 per cent. Ukip is down 3 points on 16 per cent and the Liberal Democrats remain at 6 per cent.

If the results were replicated at the general election Mr Miliband would become prime minister, with a majority of more than 80 seats.

Voting intentions by party (%)  

Approval ratings will be a worry to the Ukip leader, whose net rating has dropped to minus 17 points, the difference between those who approve of his leadership and those who disapprove. His approval rating is currently 29 per cent.

Greater media scrutiny and public awareness may have led to more people expressing their disapproval with Mr Farage.

David Cameron remains the party leader with the highest approval ratings, at 35 per cent, with a minus 11 net rating.

But the Labour leader’s rating has improved by 3 points, since the last Opinium poll, to minus 28 per cent.

Nick Clegg’s rating languishes at minus 48 per cent, the lowest figure of all the major party leaders.