Gulf States and Qatar Gloss Over Differences, but Split Still Hampers Them

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CAIRO — Shaking hands and kissing foreheads, the monarchs of the Persian Gulf came together this month to declare that they had resolved an 18-month feud in order to unite against their twin enemies, Iran and the Islamic State.

But the split is still festering, most visibly here in the place where it broke out over the military ouster of Egypt’s Islamist president. “Nothing has changed — nothing, nothing,” said a senior Egyptian official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss confidential diplomacy.

The tensions are raising questions about the ability of the gulf states to muster a coherent response to a storm of crises rocking the region.

Discord among the gulf states has undermined efforts to coordinate support for rebels fighting President Bashar al-Assad of Syria and contributed to the emergence of the Islamic State. It has muted the attempts of the Gulf Cooperation Council, the alliance founded by the six gulf states, to counter what they see as expanding Iranian influence. And in Libya, rival gulf states have backed competing armed factions and hastened a slide toward full civil war.

“The region is verging on collapse,” said Michael Stephens, a Doha-based researcher for the Royal United Services Institute, a British research organization. “The last thing you need is a G.C.C. that is fractured and can’t speak with one voice.”

At the heart of the feud is a dispute over political Islam pitting Qatar against its neighbors, principally Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Having struck an alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood in a play for regional influence, Qatar financially supported the group’s former government in Egypt, opposed the military takeover as an illegal “coup” and provided a haven to Islamists in exile after the subsequent crackdown. Qatar’s Al Jazeera network has repeatedly excoriated the new government of President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.

Saudi Arabia and the U.A.E., which consider the Brotherhood a threat to their own stability, both backed the Egyptian military takeover. And both have pressed Qatar to expel the exiled Islamists and curb Al Jazeera.

In the weeks leading up to this month’s regional summit, several gulf news outlets had reported that Qatar had effectively buckled, agreeing to both demands. A final communiqué from the meeting expressed “full support for Egypt” and Mr. Sisi’s “road map” for a political transition.

But government officials on both sides of the gulf split now acknowledge privately that Qatar scarcely budged. Instead, Saudi Arabia and the Emirates suspended their anti-Brotherhood campaign against Qatar because of the more urgent threats they saw gathering around them.

A senior Qatari official, also speaking on the condition of anonymity, said the joint communiqué supporting Mr. Sisi’s road map was merely a “press release” that carried little significance.

“We will always support the population of Egypt,” the official said. Al Jazeera was “editorially independent,” he said, adding that the other states “should not create political issues just because a channel is broadcasting what is happening.”

Although Qatar asked some Brotherhood members to leave Doha because of their political activities, only 10 or fewer have done so, according to Brotherhood leaders and Qatari officials. “We have not asked them to leave in any way, and we have not bothered them in any way,” the official said.

Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, an influential Egyptian-born preacher close to the Brotherhood whose criticism of the other gulf autocracies has long drawn their ire, is a Qatari citizen and remains in Doha despite an Egyptian warrant for his arrest. The leadership of Hamas, the militant Palestinian group that began as a Brotherhood franchise, is still based there as well.

Al Jazeera is still broadcasting an Egyptian affiliate from outside the country, even though the new government has banned it. And it recently featured an analyst who argued that Mr. Sisi and former President Hosni Mubarak should both be executed for directing the killing of protesters challenging their power. The court “should hang Abdel Fattah el-Sisi 10 times” because “in one hour, he killed 20 times more people” during his crackdown on the Brotherhood’s protests against the takeover, the analyst, Mohamed al-Kudoussi, declared.

Ahmed Mohamed, a guest on the channel whose brother was killed by police under Mr. Mubarak, said: “We apologize to all members of the Muslim Brotherhood that we took to the streets and called for a man like Sisi, who is another face of Mubarak.”

The tensions among the gulf allies first burst into the open around the time of the military takeover in Egypt last year.

Both Saudi Arabia and the Emirates began a campaign to purge the Brotherhood from Qatar and the region.

In December 2013, Egyptian police jailed three journalists for Al Jazeera’s English-language affiliate. Despite an absence of evidence, a court ultimately sentenced each to at least seven years in prison for conspiring with the Brotherhood.

Finally, in the spring, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt pulled their ambassadors from Doha.

Other dangers, however, have since taken center stage. Having conquered parts of Syria and Iraq — in part by exploiting divisions among gulf-backed rebel groups — the Islamic State has now begun threatening Saudi Arabia.

Iran, the regional rival whose revolution inspired the creation of the Gulf Cooperation Council more than 30 years ago, is pursuing a deal with Washington to limit Tehran’s nuclear energy program in exchange for sanctions relief — presenting the gulf with the unhappy prospect of either a nuclear Iran on the one hand or an economically recovering Iran on the other.

Now Iran is deploying airstrikes over Iraq in de facto coordination with the Western-backed coalition against the Islamic State. And Iran is simultaneously backing the rebel group that has derailed a political transition in Yemen brokered by the gulf states.

“The common threat is the unifying issue here,” said Mustafa Alani, an analyst at the Gulf Research Center who is close to the Saudi government. “The security environment in the region is what is pressing the countries to unify. There is no other option.”

The gulf states returned their ambassadors to Doha in time for the summit this month, and now there are signs that Saudi Arabia is urging Egypt to mend its rift with Qatar as well. In Cairo on Saturday, a special envoy from the king of Saudi Arabia convened the first meeting between Mr. Sisi and a Qatari envoy. The Saudi royal court said in a statement that King Abdullah wanted to open “a new page” in Egypt-Qatar relations and urged each side to restrain the tone of its news media toward the other.

A spokesman for Mr. Sisi said in a statement that he appreciated King Abdullah’s efforts and “looks forward to turning the page on past differences.”

But the statement also alluded to Egyptian allegations about Qatar’s support for the Brotherhood. It said Mr. Sisi “asserted that such efforts should be aligned to the will of the people and fully respect the principle of noninterference in the internal affairs of states.”