The latest on BBC News's new responsive site

Version 0 of 1.

If you're a regular visitor to the BBC News site you may recall us mentioning that we are developing a new "responsive" version of the site, designed to work across all screen sizes.

Many of you helped us test this design earlier in the year. Your comments and feedback were hugely helpful, and we've been working on it for the past few months. We are planning to make it the default for everyone, across all devices next year.

From this week, if you are coming to the site on a tablet, you'll see a banner on the News homepage with a "take me there" button, leading to the new version of the site:

So if you want the latest view of what we are working on, please do have a look, and use the "tell us what you think" button to send us your views.

Also this week, we've modified the way the responsive site looks on mobile phones, with the aim of reducing the amount of scrolling needed and introducing more content on the front page.

My colleague Niko Vijayaratnam in the BBC Future Media News product team has written in more detail on the BBC Internet Blog about the process of testing and developing the new beta site, and you can also leave comments and queries on his blog post.