Geert Wilders faces charges over 'anti-Moroccan' speech

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Dutch far-right politician Geert Wilders is due to be prosecuted over allegations he incited racial hatred against Moroccans, the authorities say.

The charges stem from an incident in which Mr Wilders led an anti-Moroccan chant during a speech in March.

The Dutch public prosecutor later received more than 6,400 complaints.

Mr Wilders, who leads the Party for Freedom (PVV), has often expressed his distaste for Islam and mass immigration.

In response to the prosecution, Mr Wilders described the charges in a statement as "a travesty".

"The public prosecutor would do better to devote his time to prosecuting jihadis instead of me," he said.

Mr Wilders made his comments during a political meeting in The Hague.

Asking supporters in a cafe if they wanted fewer Moroccans in the country, some responded by chanting "Fewer! Fewer! Fewer!"

The politician then replied: "I will fix it for you."

During a later television interview he referred to "Moroccan scum", the Reuters news agency reports.

The PVV is currently topping the opinions polls in the Netherlands.