Tony Abbott blames forgetting reporter's name on being hungover

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George W Bush was the president you could imagine sharing a (non-alcoholic) beer with.

Well, Tony Abbott is the prime minister you can definitely share a hangover with.

Only a few months after the Australian leader said he was looking a little worse for wear after spending "a very convivial dinner" with the Japanese premier, Abbott has now blamed a recent interview fail on being hungover.

A couple of weeks ago, Abbott referred to Sunrise host David Koch as Chris, not once but twice. Koch corrected him both times. In the end, Abbott went for the more friendly and easy to remember "Kochie".

Speaking on the Sunrise show, Koch revealed that Abbott had apologised to him some time later.

Referring to the Prime Minister as "Tone", Koch said, "I saw him the other night and he came up and he goes, 'G'day Chris', and he apologised. He said, 'I was a bit hungover because we had our staff Christmas party the night before.'"

Koch also revealed that Australia's most powerful man is also partial to a bit of karaoke, enjoying the US folk trio Peter, Paul and Mary.

Back in July during a trip to Japan, Today breakfast show host Karl Stefanovic asked Abbott during an interview, "You look a little bit worse for wear if I don't mind saying this morning, PM. You didn't get on the sakes did you, with the Japanese PM?"

Never one to shirk an opportunity to show himself as a man who knows how to have a good time, Abbott said, "Look the truth is, it was a very convivial dinner last night. A very convivial dinner. I accept that."

When asked how many drinks he had had, Abbott said, with a smile, that it was a responsible dinner.