Head injuries boy back to school


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A boy who suffered serious head injuries in a road accident three months ago is to return to school.

James Bascran, 12, from Fleet, Hampshire, will first attend Bursledon House children's rehabilitation unit at Southampton General Hospital.

His parents said his recovery was thanks to Frimley Park Hospital A&E department in Surrey and Southampton Paediatric Intensive Care unit.

James was injured as he walked home from Calthorpe Park School.

After the accident on 28 September he was taken to Frimley Park with life-threatening injuries.

'Did not remember'

He and his parents returned to the hospital to thank the A&E team for helping to save his life.

James said he did not remember anything about the hospital department, but his mother, Lesley, said she could not forget it.

"We were absolutely beside ourselves - there is real skill to the way staff provide just the right information at the right time, without giving any false hope," she said.

A&E consultant, Prem Premachandran, said: "With the injuries he had, I really didn't think James was going to make it but you always hope."

It is hoped James will be able to return to Calthorpe Park soon.