Twitter Q&A: The BBC's Frank Gardner answers your CIA report questions

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Earlier this week, a Senate report found "brutal" tactics like waterboarding were used by the CIA on detainees in the years after the 9/11 attacks.

Now, the UK has revealed it requested for parts of the report to be blacked out but insists none of the information linked Britain to prisoner mistreatment.

So why would the UK request redactions? And what will be the long-term repercussions of the CIA report?

BBC security correspondent Frank Gardner answered a selection of your questions in a live Twitter Q&A.

This is an edited version of the session:

Question from @hs797979: Do we know if, or to what extent was, the UK complicit in rendition and torture?

Frank answers: 2 issues here. UK MI6 accused of complicity in rendition to Libya, now a police investigation. No evidence yet of complicity in CIA abuse.

Question from Del Kentner, via email: Will CIA & those who cooperated step forward for trial by an international court so they may clear themselves?

Frank answers: Very unlikely that anyone will "step forward" for trial. But UN special rapporteur on HR says those resp should face "gravest penalties"

Question from @Sharky57: UK has proven interrogation techniques that work; exported abroad. Why did USA take on torture?

Frank answers: V good question. Because in immediate wake of 9/11, the hawks won out & argued (wrongly) that extreme danger called for extreme measures.

Question from @suryamasastra: What are the implications of the report for Muslim countries?

Frank answers: V grim. Some govts will likely use as pretext to commit own abuses. Terrorists likewise.

Question from @juebeck: Whole Bush administration to be left in The Hague?

Frank answers: Former pres Bush likely immune from prosecution. But UN says some "as criminally responsible as those who perpetrated it"

Question from @sheikcape: Is CIA doing more things than those that have been documented?

Frank answers: Undoubtedly. But when it comes to detainee mistreatment Senate 6,000 page report is as detailed as poss.

Question from @LFish36: Do you approve of any types of torture?

Frank answers: Absolutely not. It is wrong, illegal, immoral and frequently results in false leads.

Question from @Faruq10101: You take a lot of this prima facie, you've said 'won out & argued' is there any evidence of a debate?

Frank answers: Fair Q. Arguments mostly took place in Washington behind closed doors but the results are evident & still coming to light.

Question from @TomJLEdmonds: What implications do you think the report has on future security operations for the US?

Frank answers: Huge & v negative. This comes on back of Gitmo, Abu Ghraib etc. Will reinforce anti-US sentiment, make int co-op harder

Question from @Ed__Ram: What are the reasonable alternatives to torture for obtaining information?

Frank answers: Patient & legal questioning, convincing prisoner co-op is in their best interests. See: Why interrogators prefer the soft approach

Question from @PeoplePraiser: Where do we go from here? Who is now world's moral authority?

Frank answers: Good constructive Q. US moral authority already eroded by Gitmo but credit for coming clean now & banning these practices.

Question from @hollowbhoy: Were you at an acapella performance during the Edinburgh festival?

Franks answers: Yes I was! Both they and Edinburgh Festival were brilliant!

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