Be brave, Ed – backing English votes for English laws will give you a boost

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When former Labour colleagues tell me “No, definitely not – and for God’s sake don’t mention that to Ed,” as they did last week, I begin to think I’m on to something.

What am I talking about? The idea that, instead of kicking everything into the long grass, Ed Miliband should come out and commit a future Labour government to stopping Scottish MPs from voting on English issues.

The Scottish referendum has shattered the status quo. We need to work out a new balance of power between Westminster and the other national assemblies – and with our regions, cities and towns. We also need political reform of Westminster to rebuild public trust in our democracy and the way we conduct our politics.

By all means let’s have a constitutional convention. These are serious issues to consider. It is important they are looked at properly and not in a piecemeal fashion.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t say anything now. I want to see the leader of the party I still passionately support (though I admit I am directionally challenged by some of our policies) stand up and say it is wrong in principle for Scottish MPs to vote on English issues. It’s not that hard to work out. It’s simply the right thing to do.

Of course, there are those who argue that because policies on English domestic matters such as health and education drive resource decisions, and because the devolved administrations benefit under the Barnett formula there is a locus so all MPs should be able to vote on them. The academic Vernon Bogdanor has indeed made this point and won some enthusiastic support in Labour circles.

I just don’t buy this “everything affects everything else” excuse. It would mean that Scottish MPs would continue to vote in Westminster on the vast majority of bills and secondary legislation where matters have already or will be devolved.

Not only does this show a struthious disregard for English public opinion, it opens the parliamentary process to abuse. Already I have heard some Labour MPs talking of how a money resolution or finance issue could be attached to a piece of legislation or motion for debate so that colleagues north of the border would be able to vote on it.

While living standards and the economy are more on people’s minds daily, it would be wholly wrong to think this is primarily a “Westminster village” discussion or a debate among academics about bifurcated government. Persuading people in England to accept constitutional asymmetry is not a politically feasible option. There is growing demand for change.

So, putting myself in Ed Miliband’s shoes, I would take a big gulp and make an equally big speech saying he will sort this out. Transparently, given the fact that Labour holds two-thirds of the seats in Scotland, it is not in his or the party’s interests to do so – even if the current polls there look dire for Labour. Doing it would probably also create a huge row with diehards in the party at a time when minds and energies are expected all to be focused on the general election.

But by putting to one side narrow party political advantage, Ed might be doing himself a favour. It could win him respect from a public disenchanted by what they see as self-serving politicians. It would show him to be the tough and capable individual I know him to be. It would be the right thing for England and for our country.

It’s time to be statesmanlike.

Are you up for it, Ed?