Evictions cause 4% increase in homelessness


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The number of homeless people in England is rising as private landlords evict tenants, with more people now living in government-funded temporary accommodation than at any time since 2009.

Figures published yesterday by the Department for Communities and Local Government revealed that 13,900 households were accepted as homeless between July and September, a four per cent rise on the same period last year.

The main reason is because a tenancy agreement with a private landlord ends or is terminated. In London, four in 10 cases of homelessness are caused by this.

The number of households forced out of their local area to find housing has hit a record high – rising by 123 per cent in three years to reach 15,260, according to the charity Shelter. The number of people living in temporary accommodation rose by 6 per cent.

Henry Gregg, of the National Housing Federation, said: “Families with children are stuck in emergency housing like bed and breakfasts and hostels that are completely unsuitable… and don’t offer stability from which they can begin to rebuild their lives.”