C.I.A. First Planned Jails Abiding by U.S. Standards


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WASHINGTON — Just six days after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, President Bush signed a secret order that gave the Central Intelligence Agency the power to capture and imprison terrorists with Al Qaeda. But the order said nothing about where they should be held or how the agency should go about the business of questioning them.

For the next few weeks, as the rubble at ground zero smoldered and the United States launched a military operation in Afghanistan, C.I.A. officials scrambled to fill in the blanks left by the president’s order. Initially, agency officials considered a path very different from the one they ultimately followed, according to the newly released Senate Intelligence Committee report on the C.I.A.’s harsh interrogation program.

They envisioned a system in which detainees would be offered the same rights and protections as inmates held in federal or American military prisons. Conditions at these new overseas prisons would be comparable to those at maximum-security facilities in the United States. Interrogations were to be conducted in accordance with the United States Army Field Manual, which prohibits coerced, painful questioning. Everything at the prisons would “be tailored to meet the requirements of U.S. law and the federal rules of criminal procedure,” C.I.A. lawyers wrote in November 2001.

The C.I.A.’s early framework for its detention program offers a glimpse of a possible alternative history. As the country grapples with new disclosures about the program, the Senate report tells a story of how plans for American-style jails were replaced with so-called “black sites,” where some prisoners were chained to walls and forgotten, froze to death on concrete floors and were waterboarded until they lost consciousness.

“Imagine if we didn’t go down that road. Imagine. We played into the enemy’s hand,” said Ali H. Soufan, a former F.B.I. agent who clashed with the C.I.A. over its interrogation tactics. “Now we have American hostages in orange jumpsuits because we put people in orange jumpsuits.”

Mr. Bush’s Sept. 17, 2001, order authorizing the agency to catch and detain suspected terrorists set off a flurry of planning at the agency’s headquarters in Langley, Va. One of the earliest documents from those meetings, a memo from J. Cofer Black, the agency’s counterterrorism chief, outlines a network of covert prisons operating under rules similar to those of maximum-security American penitentiaries or military prisoner-of-war camps. Recognizing that it had no experience as a jailer, the C.I.A. considered using the federal Bureau of Prisons to help run the facilities, according to the document.

Mr. Black’s memo was titled “Approval to Establish a Detention Facility for Terrorists,” and the Senate report suggests that it became a working document, one that evolved as new ideas surfaced and old ones fell out of favor.

The C.I.A. pressed the Pentagon to set up detention centers to hold agency prisoners on American military bases overseas. That would have subjected the prisons to traditional rules. But Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld refused to allow the Pentagon to become the C.I.A.’s jailer, according to John Rizzo, the former C.I.A. general counsel.

“Rumsfeld took military bases off the table, so we started looking around at what became the black sites,” Mr. Rizzo recalled in an interview. “We brainstormed. Do we put them on ships? We considered a deserted island. It was born out of necessity. It wasn’t some diabolical plot.”

At the time, the C.I.A.’s operational handbook declared that the agency did not engage in “torture, cruel, inhuman, degrading treatment or punishment, or prolonged detention without charges or trial,” according to the Senate report. But agency lawyers also began exploring a different approach, though it is not clear why. A Nov. 26, 2001, draft memo lists several tactics — extreme cold, sensory deprivation, sleep deprivation, and humiliation — and began discussing possible legal justifications. Such measures are prohibited in federal and military prisons.

The C.I.A. had a corps of experts that specialized in getting people to talk by building rapport with their subjects. In interviews known as “fireside chats,” they extracted information and determined whether it was reliable. Coercive interrogation, the agency’s experts believed, led to unreliable information. After 9/11, there is no evidence that the C.I.A. conducted much research into how to conduct interrogations or reviewed its own history with harsh interrogation techniques during the early days of the Cold War, according to the Senate report.

The agency’s Office of Technical Services commissioned a report by two contract psychologists, James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen. They had worked in the Air Force’s Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape program, which subjected American military personnel to simulated capture and torture. Neither man had any experience as an interrogator or expertise on Al Qaeda, but in late 2001 or early 2002, the C.I.A. hired them to assess a recently discovered Qaeda manual that described how to resist interrogations.

The company that the psychologists created ultimately would be paid $81 million and revolutionize the agency’s approach toward detention and interrogation, the Senate report said. On Feb. 7, 2002, Mr. Bush declared that the laws of war did not apply to Qaeda suspects. That decision opened the door for the C.I.A. to interrogate prisoners in previously unthinkable ways.

Still, the agency had not yet captured any high-level terrorists, and its detention program existed only on paper. That changed in March 2002, when Abu Zubaydah, a Qaeda logistics planner, was captured in Pakistan. After six months of debate and consideration, the United States finally faced a choice.

A C.I.A. presentation raised questions about security, secrecy and the “possible loss of control to U.S. military and/or F.B.I.” The military would also be required to tell the International Committee of the Red Cross, a human rights group, that Mr. Zubaydah was in custody, the agency noted.

At his daily intelligence briefing on March 29, Mr. Bush reviewed a plan to open a secret C.I.A. prison in Thailand and send Mr. Zubaydah there. At the same meeting, according to the Senate report, Mr. Rumsfeld revived the idea of military detention by suggesting holding Mr. Zubaydah aboard a ship — a tactic that the Obama administration would endorse many years later. But Mr. Bush favored the C.I.A. plan.

Had Mr. Zubaydah ended up in military custody, Mr. Rizzo said Wednesday, it would have prevented the controversy that has swirled for years.

“But who knew that then?” Mr. Rizzo said. “If Abu Zubaydah had been on a military base somewhere under the D.O.D. umbrella, maybe we wouldn’t have even thought about these techniques. I don’t know.”

Mr. Zubaydah, shot and badly wounded, spent several days in a hospital with Mr. Soufan, the F.B.I. agent, at his side. The Senate report indicates that Mr. Zubaydah was cooperative. At agency headquarters, however, C.I.A. officials were meeting to discuss ways to break his resistance.

The Senate report describes the F.B.I. questioning — both in the hospital and later at the black site — as successful. Intelligence reports indicate he provided valuable information, but denied knowing anything about plots against America. But agency officials believed he was holding out. In response, Mr. Mitchell offered a menu of interrogation options.

While C.I.A. and Justice Department lawyers debated the legality of the tactics, the report reveals, Mr. Zubaydah was left alone in a cell in Thailand for 47 days. The Senate report asserts that isolation, not resistance, was the reason he stopped talking in June. Mr. Soufan said he was livid when he read that. “What kind of ticking-bomb scenario is this if you can leave him in isolation for 47 days?” he said.

For three weeks in August 2002, Mr. Zubaydah was questioned using the harshest measures available, including waterboarding. But the Senate report says he never revealed information about a plot against the United States. The C.I.A. concluded he had no such information.

Soon after the waterboarding ended, a new C.I.A. prison opened in Afghanistan. Called the Salt Pit, the prison’s windows were blackened and detainees were kept in total darkness. Some detainees were shackled, their arms outstretched, to bars above their heads. Prisoners could go days or weeks without anyone looking at them, an interrogator told the agency’s Inspector General. The report added that one man was chained standing to a wall for 17 days.

In November 2003, a delegation from the Bureau of Prisons arrived at the Salt Pit to assess its operations. The conditions were startling. The team concluded, though, that it was sanitary and the guards did not mistreat the prisoners.

Near the end of the group’s visit, a C.I.A. guard discovered a prisoner, Gul Rahman, dead in his cell. He had been doused with water and left chained to the concrete floor overnight, naked from the waist down. He died of hypothermia, an autopsy found.

It is not clear from the report whether the prisons contingent knew about the death, but they left soon after. The report indicates they never again visited a C.I.A. prison.

The delegation met at C.I.A. headquarters a few weeks later to discuss their findings. “They have never been in a facility where individuals are so sensory deprived, i.e., constant white noise, no talking, everyone in the dark,” an agency summary of the meeting reads. It adds: “There is nothing like this in the Federal Bureau of Prisons.”