Lions devour man at SA game lodge

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A South African man has been killed and eaten by lions at a game lodge where he worked 150km (90 miles) west of Johannesburg, police say.

Samuel Boosen, 36, was attacked after entering the enclosure on Tuesday where an estimated nine lions were kept.

"Only his spine and skull remained," police spokesman Lesego Metsi told the South Africa Press Association.

The mauling to death of a nine-year-old boy by 10 lions on a North West Province farm caused anger last year.

There were calls for the farm's lions to be put down, but in the end they were taken away from the farm owner, SABC News reports.

Mr Metsi said the latest incident, at Aloe Ridge Lodge, happened in view of two witnesses.

He said it was unclear why Mr Boosen, who had worked at the lodge for four years, had gone into the enclosure, as he usually fed the lions by putting meat through the fence.