Post Office closures review call

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An MP has called for a full review of planned Post Office closures in Scotland.

The SNP's Mike Weir said "substantial" cuts were likely in the Highlands and north east. Details of closures in the region are expected on 7 January.

The Angus MP said the proposals were being pushed through on a "ridiculously short timescale".

The Post Office insisted it had to follow strict UK Government criteria before putting forward the plans.

Mr Weir said: "In many cases the closure of Post Offices will remove the last commercial enterprise in the community.

"All this is being pushed through on a ridiculously short timescale, with local people and councils being given only six weeks to consider and campaign against the proposals.

"Even if they are successful it will only mean that a neighbouring community will face closures."

'Piecemeal programme'

He claimed the UK Government could intervene when it wanted to and said plans were being delayed in areas of England because of local elections.

"What is needed in Scotland is a full review of the network, not a piecemeal programme simply aimed at closing a set percentage of offices," he added.

A spokeswoman for the Post Office said: "Taking the decision to close any Post Office branch is always very difficult and we know will cause concern to many of our customers.

"Post Office Ltd's aim is to continue to provide essential services and support retail businesses and the local economy in as many communities as possible, subject to the very strict minimum access criteria set by the UK Government."

She said the criteria included a stipulation that 95% of the total population in rural areas would be within three miles of the nearest branch and 95% of the population of each postcode district would be within six miles of their nearest branch.