Military gun was used to shoot Pc

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The gun used to shoot Nottingham Pc Rachael Bown had been stolen from a UK Army base, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) has confirmed.

Pc Bown, 24, was shot in the stomach at the scene of a break-in in the Lenton area of Nottingham in February 2006.

An MOD spokesman confirmed the firearm went missing in the 1980s.

Trinidadian Trevon Kyron Thomas, 24, of Bilborough, Nottingham, was jailed for 30 years for attempted murder in December 2006.

Life-threatening injuries

Thomas was convicted by a Nottingham Crown Court jury. He will be deported after serving half of his sentence in the UK.

Pc Bown suffered life-threatening injuries when she was shot with the Browning 9mm pistol while on patrol in the Lenton area of Nottingham on 14 February 2006.

The MOD confirmed an investigation as to how the gun went missing was ongoing and added that military police were investigating 40 cases of missing firearms.

Pc Bown was voted one of the bravest police officers in the East Midlands as part of an awards scheme organised by the Police Federation of England and Wales.

She returned to work in March 2007 in Nottinghamshire Police's domestic abuse support unit.