Survival suit saves angler's life

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An angler swept off rocks into the sea was saved because he was wearing a flotation suit, say coastguards.

The 52-year-old was fishing off Witches Point near Ogmore in Bridgend county when he was hit by a wave in high wind.

A friend with him immediately called the emergency services at 0925 GMT and he was rescued within 20 minutes.

Graham Warlow, watch manager with Swansea Coastguard, said the flotation suit had "undoubtedly contributed to saving his life".

Mr Warlow said: "His survival time would have been very short in the sea conditions, with a 1.5-2m (5ft - 6ft 5in) swell and south-westerly force seven to gale force eight onshore winds.

I have been involved in rescue operations in the same area for 30 years and the five or six persons we have taken from the sea until today sadly all lost their lives Phil Missen, RNLI

"In addition, hypothermia would have very quickly set in without the suit in the low sea temperatures (8-9C) at this time of year."

"Despite this, he is lucky to have survived in the area which can be dangerous with the shoreline rocks, high seas and strong currents."

After the alarm was raised, coastguards immediately launched the RNLI inshore lifeboat crew from Porthcawl, who recovered the angler.

'Presence of mind'

He was taken by ambulance to the Princess of Wales Hospital at Bridgend for treatment.

Mr Warlow praised the action of the other fisherman and the swiftness of the lifeboat's rescue.

"The man's companion had the presence of mind to call 999 immediately, not to attempt self-rescue and to keep in visual contact with his friend, reassuring him until help arrived."

Phil Missen of the RNLI at Porthcawl said: "I have no doubt that the angler would not have survived in these conditions if he had not been wearing a survival suit.

"I have been involved in rescue operations in the same area for 30 years and the five or six persons we have taken from the sea until today sadly all lost their lives."