US midterm elections: Republican victories are good news for old families – as a new George Bush steps on to political stage

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With the Republicans storming to victory in the US midterms and taking control of the Senate, attention inevitably now turns to the 2016 race for the White House.

And while Tuesday night brought a sweep of goods news for the GOP generally, it was a particularly strong day for an old political family that is seeing something of a resurgence.

Many Republicans hope that the former Florida governor Jeb Bush – son of George HW, brother of George W – will throw his hat into the ring and run for President himself.

But looking further forward, a new George Bush has successfully begun his ascent of the American political ladder. Jeb has been campaigning in the past weeks for his son, George P, who was yesterday elected as Texas land commissioner – a well-established foothold to bigger things.

Were he to decide to run for higher office in future – perhaps even aim to be yet another President George Bush – the eldest son of Jeb and his Mexican-born wife Columba is well positioned to do so.

The demographics of Texas are moving firmly in a direction where being half-Latino would be a distinct advantage.  George P also has strong support across the spectrum of Republican political thinking.

During his successful campaign to be made land commissioner, George P made much of the fact that he served an eight-month tour of Afghanistan with the US Navy under an assumed name. He said his grandmother, the former first lady Barbara Bush, had always urged family members to make their own way rather than relying on their surnames.

Last week George P showed he was more than capable of playing to the media circus, alongside his credentials as a former teacher, lawyer and businessman.

Jeb has repeatedly said he will not make a decision on running for President until the end of this year. But speaking to ABC, George P suggested a choice had already been made. “I think it’s more than likely… that he’ll run,” he said.