Culture of hostility to women leads to domestic violence, say police chiefs

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Australia’s police commissioners have identified “vulgar and violent attitudes towards women” as a key cultural cause of unacceptably high rates of family violence and say it will not stop until men’s attitudes change.

They have urged victims to report assaults to police, who they say have transformed their own attitudes towards family disputes in recent years. Most commissioners say police working closely with other agencies involved with family violence is the only practical way to tackle a crime that kills one woman a week in Australia.

Recent cases, such as those of Rosie Batty, whose 11-year old son Luke was murdered by her estranged partner in Victoria, and farmer Geoff Hunt, who killed his wife Kim and their three children in Wagga Wagga in New South Wales, have highlighted an issue once hidden or not taken as seriously as other crimes.

Guardian Australia asked police chief commissioners from every state and territory to identify what needs to be done to reduce family violence. All police commissioners have responded, except for Western Australia’s Karl O’Callaghan.

In Victoria, family violence has become an unexpected election issue, with the Labor opposition promising a royal commission and the Coalition government pledging substantial new money and initiatives to reduce the incidence of domestic violence, which makes up almost half of all assaults in the state.

Victoria’s chief commissioner, Ken Lay, who has led debate on the issue, said the nation’s culture is the most important reason women are assaulted by partners or ex-partners.

“I place family violence in a wider culture where vulgar and violent attitudes to women are common,” he said. “These attitudes show that we perceive women differently than men and by differently I mean we perceive them as less valuable. In order to stop a problem we have to tackle the cause.”

The incidence of family violence is continuing to rise in Victoria, mainly due to increased reporting rates.

In NSW, 40% of homicides are domestic violence-related. Commissioner Andrew Scipione said it is critical that more victims report violence to police. There is wide acceptance that statistics hide the real incidence of family violence, which is often under-reported.

“Police can make it stop, but it is vital that domestic violence is reported to us so we can make it stop,” Scipione said. “Domestic violence occurs in the home on most occasions, not in public where others can report. Victims must take that step to tell us … reporting is absolutely vital.”

On the statistics supplied, the Northern Territory has the most alarming incidence of family violence, especially affecting Indigenous women. More than 60% of assaults in the NT are domestic violence-related and 56% of homicides occur within families. More than 80% of domestic violence victims are women, and 73% of these are Indigenous women.

Domestic violence also affects children, more than 40% of Indigenous children witnessing violence against their mother or stepmother in the NT, compared with 23% of all children.

The NT’s police commissioner, John McRoberts, said there will be little lasting improvement until “community attitudes, specifically male attitudes, change”.

He said recent local initiatives such as Project Respect are beginning to show progress. In the past two years, strike forces on domestic violence in key locations across the state have focused on recidivist offenders. In the year to 31 August, domestic violence assaults were down 16%, “a faint light at the end of the dark tunnel”.

South Australia’s commissioner, Gary Burns, said police respond to 27 domestic violence incidents a day. Collaboration and coordination between agencies is of critical importance, he said.

Each state approaches domestic violence differently, and SA has this year introduced the Multi-Agency Protection Service (Maps), based on a UK model. The idea is to improve collaboration with education, health and community departments and agencies to focus on rigorous risk assessment and prevention.

Most commissioners stress the need for cultural change in Australia. The Australian Capital Territory chief police officer, Rudi Lammers, said reporting family violence remains “an emotive and traumatic experience that can divide families and friends”. Only through reporting would the stigma lessen, he said.

“We already have strong legislation and great support services,” said Lammers. “What we need is a change to the culture that says it’s OK to either commit family violence or be silent about it.”

Tasmania’s commissioner, Darren Hine, said cultural change can begin with society’s influencers – sportsmen, businessman, actors and other personalities – standing up to condemn violence against women and children.

“And it continues at footy games, BBQs, cricket matches, school, college, university, at work, the pub; we are all in a position to make a positive influence when we see unacceptable behaviour or attitudes,” he said.

Lay agreed. While most men are not violent against women, he said, “all men have the power to help prevent violence”.

“We won’t see an end to the violence until we improve attitudes,” he said.