Heartbroken Chow Chow puppy owner blames animal's online fame for disappearance


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A heartbroken dog owner has blamed his Chow Chow puppy’s disappearance on the animal’s online fame.

Jamie Green, 29, bought Misiu – which means ‘Little Bear’ in Polish – for his girlfriend Joanna Gluminska, 21, five weeks ago. Since then, pictures of the puppy have gone viral with thousands of fans expressing their love for the ‘majestic ball of fluff’.

Mr Green, who spent £1,600 on the dog, said he was “devastated” when he came home on Wednesday to find his home broken into and claimed: “They came here for the dog.”

Mr Green, an author who lives with his family in Stanmore, north London, said to The Independent: “The people who broke into the house didn’t take my iPad Air or my iMac, they didn’t take the £10,000 car.

“They came here for the dog.”

Misiu garnered a huge online fan base but Mr Green described some of his pet’s fans as “a bit stalker-y” and said that people were “obsessed” with his puppy after he posted a picture on Imgur. The image has been viewed over two million times.

Since the “traumatic” event, Mr Green said he and his girlfriend have been uncomfortable in their own home. “I really don’t feel safe. We hear any noise and we’re both on edge. I feel violated.”

He continued: “I know some people will say that it is just a dog, but for me it feels the same as if someone had stolen a three month baby from you.”

Misiu, who was born three months ago, was a rare Chow Chow breed. Originally from northern China, where they were fondly referred to as ‘puffy-lion dogs’, the animals are distinctive for their incredibly soft and fluffy coat.

The Evening Standard reported dog theft was increasing by roughly 15 per cent in London year on year, according to charitable organisation Dog Lost.