Gay Ukip MEP: Same-sex marriage backers are 'equality Nazis' supporting 'false bollocks' so 'queens can dance up the aisle to Village People'

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Same-sex marriage is “false bollocks” that is “rubbing people’s noses in the dirt,” with no one but “equality Nazis” for supporters, a Ukip MEP has said.

In an interview with the Huffington Post, David Coburn, Scotland’s only Ukip MEP, claimed that same-sex marriage “makes a mockery of the holy sacrament of marriage” and that “quite a lot” of gay people oppose it.

Same-sex marriage became legal in the UK in March this year and was hailed by politicians from the main parties, with the Prime Minister claiming that people were now equal, “whether gay or straight”.

But Mr Coburn claims in the interview that same-sex marriage “is just for some queen who wants to dress up in a bridal frock and in a big moustache and dance up the aisle to the Village People”.

The MEP, who has been in a relationship for 30 years and describes himself as “spectacularly homosexual,” said the actions of the “militant equality lobby” that has caused gay marriage to be passed into law have caused more homophobia as a result.

“What you’re doing with the gay marriage issue is you’re rubbing people’s noses in the dirt,” he told the Huffington Post, claiming that “everyone” had agreed and been “quite happy” with the idea of civil partnership.

“But when you go across the road to pick a fight with someone of faith, that’s not got anything to do with it, that’s the equality Nazis trying to give Christianity a jolly good kicking. You know it, I know it – it’s false bollocks, the lot of it,” he said.

Nigel Farage's party is proving a challenge to the usually safe Tory seat of Rochester and Strood Mr Coburn’s comments have been slammed by gay rights charity Stonewall.

Richard Lane, media manager at the charity, told Pink News: "It's more than a little ironic for David Coburn to call supporters of equality 'Nazis' given that just last week Ukip MEPs invited a man who's defended Hitler to partner with them in the European parliament."

The interview comes weeks before the Rochester and Strood by-election, where Ukip is threatening to take the usually safe Tory seat.

A recent poll in the Observer showed a third of voters would back Nigel Farage’s party if they believed it could win in their constituency.

Since gaining its first MP after the Clacton by-election, millionaire donor Paul Sykes, who left the Conservative Party in 1991, has given Ukip £1.5 million in a bid to help the party gain 100 seats in the next election.