The best children's books on Iran

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Growing up in Iran in the mid-1970s, I was reared on a rich diet of wonderful Persian children’s books published by the institute for the intellectual development of children and young adults, aka kanoon, founded by Farah Diba Pahlavi, the former queen of Iran. Comic books such as Persian translations of Hergé (TinTin et al), and a wide range of English books my mother had collected from Britain, particularly the Ladybird Series, were also highlights of those years.

When my family and I moved to Sweden a decade later, I was confronted with a complete lack of books on or from Iran. Our local library in Lerum, Sweden began stocking Persian titles in consultation with my parents, but they were books mainly for grown-ups - a lot of banned fiction from Iran by writers such as Sadeq Hedayat, Shahrnush Parsipour and Mahmud Dawlatabadi.

It would take years for me to realise that much of what was and is available for children about Iran is orientalist with a tendency to induce an inferiority complex in children from that part of the world. Take for instance Donald Duck in Ancient Persia where all kinds of stereotypical tropes (read fictional “Indian,” “Muslim,” “Arab,” and “Asian” oddities) are presented as “Persian,” “Iranian” or “Middle Eastern.” The setting, oscillates between idyllic American suburbia, where Donald Duck and his nephews live, and the oil-rigged sandy deserts of “ancient Persia,” where terror reigns.

There is a very rich tradition of stories in both classical and modern Persian literature that needs to be rendered into children’s stories, with contemporary pedagogical standards that tackle issues such as gender, class, and race. Storytellers thus have their work cut out for them. In the meantime, here are a few of my favourite Iran-related children’s books available in English.

1. The Secret Message

Written by Mina Javaherbin and gorgeously illustrated by Bruce Whatley, is a new rendition of Jalaluldin Rumi’s classic story of The Merchant and the Parrot, and appropriate for children of all ages. It’s my absolute favourite book on this list!

2. Monsters are Afraid of the Moon

This is not an Iran-related book per se, but it earns a place at the top of my list due to its author and illustrator Marjane Satrapi. Widely celebrated for her Persepolis trilogy, she is the queen of the Iranian comic strip. Monsters are afraid of the Moon is a fun story about a little girl and her cat who are having trouble sleeping. It is bound to get young readers curious about Satrapi’s other graphic novels, which are highly nuanced representations of Iran.

3. The Earth Shook: A Persian Tale

This book by Donna Jo Napoli and Gabi Swiatkowska is part fiction. A little girl named Parisa from Bam, where there was a devastating earthquake in 2005, manages to unite all the animals that have also lost their homes.

4. Pea Boy and other stories from Iran

This title by Elizabeth Laird and Shirin Adl is a collection of famous Persian folklore in accessible English. Beautiful illustrations are made of patterned cloth. Be warned though, not all tales have a happy ending (Halloween suitability thus very high!). One such classic tale is about Auntie Cockroach (Khaleh Sooskeh) and her search for a romantic husband.

5. 1001 Inventions and Awesome Facts from Muslim Civilization

This is the National Geographic’s companion book to the ambitious 1001 inventions exhibit from the foundation for science, technology, and civilisation. This encyclopedic feast is a must-have for young science aficionados and anyone interested in Iran and the Middle East. Its collection of beautiful images and fun educational facts do not only tell of historic discoveries and tales stemming from Iran and its neighbouring countries, but show how these facts still apply to our world today.

6. Music of Many Cultures

Carol Fisher Mathieson introduces young students to musical traditions of different parts of the world including ancient Persia and modern Iran. She highlights words in English that are Persian (such as Pajama and Khaki), to familiarise readers with musical instruments such as ud, and Taezieh, the Shiite passion play. Despite the author’s erroneous reference to blackface Hajji Firuz as the “Persian Santa” - the book is from 1996, so all’s forgiven - it remains a useful reference book on Iran. It’s bound to expand the horizon of young historians and musicians.

Dr Bashi hosts Persian story time Saturdays in New York