Police killer Harry Roberts 'spoke of remorse' in 2008 interview


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The remorse of Britain’s most notorious police killer has been revealed in a previously unpublished interview, which has come to light amid outrage over his impending parole.

Harry Roberts, who was sentenced to life in prison after shooting dead two unarmed police officers in 1966 – his accomplice, John Duddy, shot the third officer – has refused on several occasions to express any regret.

However, speaking to Radio Times in 2008, he said: “Of course I regret it. If anyone had killed my mother I would never have forgiven them and I totally understand why the families of the policemen could never forgive me and wouldn’t want me released. But I feel I have served my time.” He also expressed fears that he would never be released due to “civil servants fearing what the papers would say if I did do something again”.

Speaking of his fellow inmates, he said: “They just don’t understand what it was like in the 1950s and 60s.

“I’d come out of the Army having fought in Kenya and Malaya and I became a criminal. I’m not proud of it, but that’s what happened.”