Shrien Dewani trial: 'Accused asked taxi driver to arrange murder'

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A taxi driver convicted of killing Anni Dewani on her honeymoon in South Africa has told a court her husband arranged the murder shortly after arriving in the country.

Zola Tongo said Shrien Dewani told him there was someone he wanted to be "taken out of sight".

He told the court the murder was arranged to look like a car hi-jacking.

Mr Dewani, 34, from Bristol, denies arranging the murder of wife Anni, 28, a Swedish national.

The couple were held at gunpoint while being driven in a taxi through Gugulethu township near Cape Town in November 2010.

Giving evidence at Western Cape High Court, Tongo said he was first approached by Mr Dewani at Cape Town International Airport to take him to the couple's hotel.

After they had arrived, Mr Dewani told him he had a job for him, and he wanted somebody killed, Tongo said.

Tongo said he told Mr Dewani he knew somebody who could help.

He told the court Mr Dewani agreed to pay 15,000 rand (about £1,330 at the exchange rate at the time) for the job to be done.

"On our arrival at the hotel we talked and discussed how the job should be done," he said.

"The gentleman said he wants a car to be hi-jacked.

"They must be robbed, they must rob me along the way and they must also drop him along the way and then they must kill his wife. He did not say his wife but he said a wife or the wife."

The prosecution argues Mr Dewani was leading a secret double-life and wanted out of his marriage, so arranged a staged hijacking in which he escaped and his wife was killed.

Earlier a gay escort told the court he met Mr Dewani on three occasions.

The trial continues.