Pakistani politician Bilawal Bhutto heckled at UK rally

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The family of Pakistani politician Bilawal Bhutto say attempts were made to sabotage his appearance at a rally in London on Sunday.

Mr Bhutto was led to safety after crowds began heckling him and throwing items reportedly including eggs, tomatoes, empty water bottles and cans.

He was attending a march asserting Pakistan's right to the disputed territory of Kashmir.

The heckling began when he took to the stage to make a speech.

His sister later tweeted that attempts were made to disrupt his speech, blaming what she described as "Indian agents" disrupting his appearance at the rally.

She tweeted: "Despite an attempt to sabotage the his speech Bilawal still gets a rousing reception."

Mr Bhutto, the son of murdered Pakistani Prime minister Benazir Bhutto, led his first major political rally in the Pakistani city of Karachi on 18 October.

Tens of thousands of people attended that rally, which correspondents say was an attempt to show the Pakistan People's Party (PPP) still has mass appeal and that it can compete with other opposition groups.

But in London on Sunday, Mr Bhutto attempted to make a speech at the so-called "Kashmir Million March" from Trafalgar Square to Downing Street, which was called to protest against alleged Indian violations in Kashmir.

When he took to the stage parts of the crowd began to chant slogans and hurl objects towards him.

Claimed by both India and Pakistan in its entirety, Kashmir has been a flashpoint for more than 60 years. The South Asian rivals have fought two wars and a limited conflict over the region.