What does President Dilma Rousseff's re-election mean for you?


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President Dilma Rousseff has been re-elected president of Brazil, after securing more than 51% of votes against rival Aécio Neves.

In her victory speech, Rousseff said she hoped the nation could rally together. “Instead of increasing differences and creating gaps, I strongly hope that we create the conditions to unite,” she told supporters in Brasilia. “I want to be a much better president than I have been until now.”

In Rio de Janeiro, more than a thousand Workers party supporters braved the rain to watch the results come in on a giant screen.

“This is good for Brazil,” said one campaigner, Vinicius Barchilon. “Dilma has done a lot for the poor and we have a government that is determined to tackle inequality.”

Over the 12 years of Workers party rule, almost 40 million people – or a fifth of the population – have moved out of poverty. The rich-poor gap remains one of the highest in the world, but the Gini coefficient measure of inequality of 0.49 is down from 0.56 in 2001 and unemployment is close to record lows.

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