Watch heart-warming moment a baby elephant and two ostriches are rescued in Kenya

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Could this mark the start of a beautiful friendship?

A baby elephant and two ostrich chicks in Kenya have been airlifted to safety by an animal rescue charity after they fell into trouble.

The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust rescued the trio last week after they initially received a call about the elephant calf.

The young elephant, named Wass after the area he was found in, was rescued by scouts from a man-made well in the country’s remote Milgis Lugga region on the Northern Frontier. The scouts then attempted to reunite Wass with his herd to no avail and the trust was called on for help.

When a rescue team arrived, they found the baby elephant in a fragile condition and requiring immediate care. It was then that they were informed about the two orphaned ostrich chicks.

Extraordinary footage captured by the charity shows the rescue of the three creatures. Wass is in a distressed condition and given immediate medical treatment by the crew, while the chicks sit next to him. 

Wass is fed his first bottle of milk during the rescue (The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust) All three are now safe and well at the charity’s nursery in Nairobi. Elephant calves separated from their mothers are often very vulnerable but Wass is said to be making progress and slowly building up his strength after the ordeal.

Video courtesy of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.

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