Man makes marriage proposal in police car

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A woman accepted a proposal of marriage while in a police car following a road traffic accident.

Caine Hutchings popped the question to Emily Dukeson after his car hit a tree on the way to the seaside where he had been originally planning to propose.

Instead, the couple from Radstock agreed to tie the knot while being driven from the scene.

Neither party was injured in the accident on Saturday near Shapwick on the A39 and no charges were brought.

Mr Hutchings, 30, said: "We were only in the police car a short time but the accident had put everything in perspective, so I decided that I would ask there and then because anything can change in just a moment and I didn't want to wait any longer.

"We had to get a photo of me going down on one knee in front of the police car after we got to the pub or no-one would have believed what I'd done."

Ms Dukeson, 27, said: "I didn't have a clue that was going to happen. As far as I was aware we were going to Blue Anchor to take the dogs for a walk.

"In the car Caine said 'did you really think we were going all that way just to walk the dogs?' and pulled the box [with the ring in it] out.

PC Nicola Rickards, who was driving the police car, said: "All of a sudden he produced the box through the middle. I'm not sure who was more excited."

The couple said they were planning to get married next year.