Breaking Bad dolls pulled from Toys R Us after petition

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A US toy store chain has pulled four action figures based on characters from the popular TV drama Breaking Bad, following a petition for their removal.

The award-winning TV series is about a secondary school chemistry teacher who becomes a drug dealer.

Toys R Us has removed the dolls, which have accessories including bags of cash and drugs, from its shelves and online store.

It came after thousands signed an online petition for their removal.

The petition said that Toys R Us's sale of the toys was "a dangerous deviation from their family friendly values".

"While the show may be compelling viewing for adults, its violent content and celebration of the drug trade make this collection unsuitable to be sold alongside Barbie dolls and Disney characters," it said.

More than 9,000 people signed the petition, while a rival petition supporting the sale of the dolls drew more than 3,000 signatures.

'I'm so mad'

Toys R Us had previously defended its sale of the collectible dolls.

On Monday, it said the action figures were "carried in very limited quantities in the adult action figure area" of its stores, and that the packaging "clearly notes that the items are intended for ages 15 and up".

However, on Tuesday, the store withdrew the toys.

"Let's just say, the action figures have taken an indefinite sabbatical," Toys R Us said in a statement.

Bryan Cranston, the actor who plays the lead character in Breaking Bad, previously joked that he was "mad" at the petition.

He tweeted on Monday: "'Florida mom petitions against Toys 'R Us over Breaking Bad action figures.' I'm so mad, I'm burning my Florida Mom action figure in protest".