Philip Kerr: I don't like books for children that deal with adult themes

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Who was your childhood hero?

I had several. Let’s see now: David Attenborough, of course. David Livingstone. Douglas Bader. Lawrence of Arabia. Robert Louis Stevenson, GA Henty, Sir Walter Scott…

What was your favourite book when you were younger?

My favourite book changed year on year. I enjoyed Stig of the Dump, Jennings, Biggles, Bunter, Tarzan, Beau Geste, all the usual stuff. I’m not sure I had an absolute favourite as a child. I was a member of Corstorphine Library in Edinburgh and every Friday night my parents took me there to borrow books. I also used to spend nearly all my pocket money on books. Quite early on I discovered that my Dad had a library too which he kept locked and I started to read these too, but only when he was out. James Bond was an early favourite although I didn’t understand much of it. I read the Bible a lot, too. You might say that this was my favourite since I seemed to read it so often.

Did you read a lot as a child and do you still read children’s books now?

I don’t read any children’s books now. My children are all grown up and we’re through the stage of me reading to them. I prefer to write books for children instead of reading them. But I do strongly believe in childhood and in respecting childhood innocence. I don’t like books for children that deal with adult themes.

What was the last book you had recommended to you and what children’s book would you recommend to us?

I know my own children were all very fond of Mark Haddon’s book The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time. There’s something about the narrator’s voice in that book they really love, although strictly speaking I don’t think it counts as a children’s book at all. I would recommend that.

What advice would you give to your 10-year-old self?

My 10-year-old self was an awkward, slippery little customer. At 12 I was more reasonable perhaps. My advice would be this: try to understand your parents a little more. Put yourself in their shoes. And don’t bother to pray. It doesn’t work.

What would you be if you hadn’t been a writer?

A painter, I think. I love to paint. Or a rock star. I used to play quite a good lead guitar, R&B style. Clapton and BB King are heroes.

If you could travel in time, where would you go first?

I like the Romans. Gibbon is a favourite author. I’d probably have gone there. Or perhaps to the Globe Theatre in Elizabethan times to try to meet Shakespeare. Now he is a favourite author. I saw The Winter’s Tale when I was 10 and it blew me away.

What is the weirdest thing a fan has ever said and/or given to you?

Too many to mention. And some I couldn’t mention. It was probably in America. They have guns there so I am always very polite to readers who come to my shows.

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