Designer Zandra Rhodes and artist Andrew Logan on their long friendship

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HER STORY Zandra Rhodes, 74, designer

My friend the painter Duggie Fields took me to Andrew’s very first Alternative Miss World in 1972. It was a wonderful happening that one couldn’t get into because it was so crowded. Andrew and I gradually became close friends because we found each other inspirational. We both find excitement in doing things and going to places, even when it might not be typically exciting.

We travel very well together. We do what you could call working-design trips. We love to get up at 6 o’clock in the morning to see the sunrise, do several drawings, visit a museum and then, when we’re totally exhausted, go shopping.

Andrew’s a true original. He would be doing his work – like me – whether it earns him money or not. I more or less only wear his jewellery. And in my penthouse I’ve got one of his chandeliers and a huge Gandhi of his. I often give him practical things: the hallway of his studio is lined with my satin.

In the 80s Andrew had a terrible fire at his house. I had some spare rooms and invited him to come and work at my place. It was during that time that I sat for him and he made a sculpture of my head. It was bought for the National Portrait Gallery. When he gave me a copy of it for my 50th birthday, he said: “I’m frightened that you’re going to change your pink hair!” But I’ve kept my pink hair – I once dyed it brown and I felt so boring.

I feel at home with Andrew. If I am getting ready to do a grand speech, I will try it out on him. Or if I’ve got a problem I’ll call him. While some friends can put you down, Andrew’s constantly an inspiration.

HIS STORY Andrew Logan, 69, artist

Zandra and I are both maximalists. If there’s an empty corner, we’ll fit something in it. And the brighter the better. My partner Michael designed the interior of her house. Her apartment is sort of rainbows. Ours is all blues and oranges and yellows and pinks. We persuaded her to move to Bermondsey and open a museum. She’s just a three-minute walk away.

We have an almost brother-and-sister relationship. We love to travel and draw and paint together. I do watercolours and she does wonderful drawings with Japanese paper and pens. We’ve been all over – India, Morocco, New Zealand. When I started sculpting portraits I asked her to sit for me.

Zandra is pure energy. She lives between here and San Diego and we talk on Skype when she’s there. She travels every few weeks, backwards and forwards. It’s a 12-hour flight. When she gets in, she’ll come over to ours, go straight into a meeting then off to dinner. And she manages to run a studio, is chancellor of a university and an ambassador for a cancer charity… She’s amazing. I’ve been to visit her in California a few times. The last time was for her husband’s 90th birthday. She’s very funny and very loyal. And she loves people – it doesn’t matter who you are. I remember our good friend Divine always said: “Be careful on the way up because you might meet the same people on the way down.” Zandra doesn’t have to think like that – she’s very nice to everyone. I just love her, and everything falls into place from there.

Zandra Rhodes and Andrew Logan are opening the Affordable Art Fair Battersea, 23-26 October, on behalf of the Campaign for Drawing (