Father angry over screening delay


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The father of a boy who collapsed and died during gaelic football training has said he is angry a specialist team has not yet met to discuss screening.

Patrick Breen, 10, from Dregish, County Tyrone, died in September.

Health Minister Michael McGimpsey said a team of medical experts would look at the the issue of screening children.

However, Patrick's father, Frankie, said the team was not in place. A Department of Health spokesman was unable to say when it would meet.

Frankie Breen said he was appalled.

"I think it's a disgrace. They promise you everything at the time and just forget about you," he said.

"It is a disgrace that they haven't met once in three months.

"How many people have to die before they do something?"

The schoolboy was one of four children to die within a week from sudden cardiac conditions.

Patrick Devlin, 13, from Ardboe, collapsed during a training session on 8 September. Two boys died in County Westmeath.

Mr Breen claimed that a screening programme in Italy had reduced deaths.

He said his other children had now all been screened for any hidden heart problems.

"None of my children will die without us knowing they have a heart problem," he said.

"If screening only saves one person - even though I know it would save many more lives - then it would be worthwhile."