Una Crown murder: 'Several leads to follow', police say


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Detectives investigating the murder of an 86-year-old widow say they still have "several leads" despite releasing all suspects in the 21-month-old case.

Una Crown was found dead after being stabbed and set alight at her home, in Magazine Lane, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire on 13 January 2013.

Three men were arrested by police but all were released without charge.

Detectives said they were "determined to get justice" for Mrs Crown and her family.

Mrs Crown's body was discovered in the hallway of her bungalow by her niece's husband, John Payne, when he went to collect her for a day out.

'Dedicated team'

A post-mortem examination found she had been repeatedly stabbed.

Police believe her body was set alight in an attempt to cover up the killing.

A 58-year-old man was arrested and bailed later that month, but in June 2013 police confirmed no action would be taken against him.

A new team of detectives was brought in to investigate the case last May and the following month a 40-year-old man from March and a 36-year-old from Wisbech were arrested on suspicion of murdering Mrs Crown.

Their bail was cancelled on Wednesday when police confirmed no further action would be taken against them.

Det Ch Insp Sharn Basra said: "We continue to have a dedicated team working on the investigation and are pursuing several lines of enquiry.

"We have conducted a full forensic review of Una Crown's home and the items seized during the inquiry.

"We are utilising the latest techniques in DNA technology to test those items seized and remain hopeful of identifying her killer."

A £10,000 Crimestoppers reward has been offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for the murder.