Ebola nurse Nina Pham shown in emotional video in hospital isolation for first time


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Video footage showing medics at the bedside of Nina Pham, a nurse who contracted Ebola in Texas, has been released.

Ms Pham was seen for the first time since her diagnosis in a video shot in her Dallas hospital room and posted online by the Texas Health Resources on Thursday.

In the video, a doctor dressed in a hazmat suit can be heard thanking an emotional Ms Pham for caring for Ebola victim Thomas Duncan, the first man to be diagnosed with Ebola in the US.

A tearful Miss Pham smiles as she sits upright in a hospital while the man tells her: “Thanks for being a part of the volunteer team to take care of our first patient. It means a lot.

“This has been a huge effort by all of you guys. We’re really proud of you”.

"Come to Maryland. Everybody," Ms Pham says into the camera before wiping away tears with a tissue handed to her by a health worker in full protective gear.

Ms Pham has now been transported to the National Institutes of Health Clinical Centre near Washington for treatment in a specialised isolation unit.

The second nurse to contract Ebola, Amber Vinson, is being treated in the Emory University hospital in Atlanta. Ms Vinson tested positive for the virus a day after flying to Texas on a Frontier Airlines flight with 132 passengers on board.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has now expanded its investigation to include the passengers who travelled with Ms Vinson on a flight from Dallas, Texas, to Cleveland, Ohio on 10 October.