How to make stem ginger oatcakes – recipe

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I remember when oatcakes were the lacklustre alternative to crackers on a cheeseboard, but they seem to be dominating supermarket shelves these days. My children are certainly swayed by all the newfangled flavours, and they are most keen on (no surprises here) the sweet varieties.

Baking your own oatcakes is a doddle, plus you can reduce the sugar, making them a great lunchbox snack. If you keep a cylinder of the uncooked dough in the fridge (it keeps for up to a week), you can slice off rounds and bake the oatcakes fresh as and when needed.

(Makes about 20)

150g porridge oats, plus extra for dusting

Pinch of salt

100g wholemeal flour

35g soft brown sugar

100g cold unsalted butter, diced

1 tsp baking power

1 tsp ground ginger

60ml cold milk

50-80g chopped stem ginger

Blitz the oats in blender or food processor for 10 seconds or so, until they turn into oaty dust. Add the rest of the ingredients, apart from the milk and stem ginger, and process until the mixture resembles crumbs.

Tip the mix into a large bowl and add the milk and stem ginger. Combine to form a cohesive dough, but don’t overwork it.

Dust a surface with oats, scrape out the dough and squash together gently in a large sausage shape (oatcake-sized in diameter). Make sure the sausage is evenly covered with oats, wrap in clingfilm and give it another roll to ensure it is nicely cylindrical. Refrigerate to firm up for about 30 minutes.

Heat the oven to 180C/350F/gas mark four and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Using a very sharp knife, slice 5-10mm biscuits and gently place on the baking sheet. They are quite fragile, but will meld well when cooked.

Bake for 12-15 minutes until crisp, golden and slightly brown around the edges. Cook on a wire rack.

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