Return to work for health staff

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Mental health workers who went on strike indefinitely after a colleague was sacked have returned to work.

Psychiatric nurse Karen Reissmann claimed she was dismissed for bringing the trust into disrepute by criticising cuts in mental health services.

But Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust found her guilty of gross misconduct and her appeal against the ruling saw the decision upheld.

Unison said it now intended to take the appeal to an employment tribunal.

'Full examination'

Dave Prentis, Unison general secretary, said: "We shall continue to campaign through all available channels to obtain Karen's reinstatement."

Unison added that further strike action was planned for the new year.

Since June about 700 Unison members have staged a series of strikes over her suspension.

After a six-day disciplinary hearing the trust made the decision to dismiss Ms Reissmann in November.

The trust has said the sacking was made after a full examination of the facts in a formal disciplinary hearing and that the reason was a private employment matter.